End Of Tenancy Cleaning London

end-of-tenancy-cleaning-1If you are looking for the best end of tenancy cleaning service then you came to the right place. Main Cleaners will deliver you the most affordable and professional cleaning services in London.

We have proven to tenants, landlords and estate agents that we are one of the best in the field. If you would like to leave the property in a presentable look, you are welcome to get in touch with us and we will take care of the tedious and time-consuming final cleaning for you.

Price list of our End of Tenancy Cleaning Services in London

End Of Tenancy CleaningPrice
Studio Flatfrom £116
One Bedroom Propertyfrom £161
Two Bedroom Propertyfrom £189
Three Bedroom Propertyfrom £220

See why people choose our cleaning services:

  • competitive prices
  • professional and properly trained cleaners
  • full coverage of London
  • high-quality end of tenancy cleaning service
  • a cleaning service which meets all requirements
  • a 48-hour guarantee


How to Book our End of Tenancy Cleaning Service?

Get a free quote for our cleaning services here:

    Professional End Of Tenancy Cleaners in London

    If you are about to move out of your rented property and you have to do an end of tenancy cleaning, leave this job to the professionals. Many people underestimate how time-consuming and labour-intensive it is and forfeit their deposits.

    What we offer you is to book our highly professional end-of-tenancy-cleaning-2 end of tenancy cleaning service and let our properly trained cleaners deal with the final cleaning for you. They are skilled and vastly experienced!

    They are equipped with the latest cleaning products which are safe to use around children and pets. What is even more, the cleaning equipment is included in the price! We provide deep cleaning with attention to every nook and cranny.

    Main Cleaners strive to deliver a top-to-bottom cleaning session which will leave every area of the room sparkling clean. Our skilled cleaners will deep clean every room in the property!

    What is included in our End of Tenancy Cleaning Service

    Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

    • Countertops, backsplashes and cooking surfaces will be scrubbed, wiped down, degreased and disinfected.
    • The kitchen sink, its faucets and drain will be deep cleaned and sanitised.
    • Cupboards, drawers and cabinets will be decluttered, wiped down and organised.
    • Appliances will be cleaned on the outside.
    • Rubbish will be disposed of and the floor will be swept and mopped.

    Bathroom Cleaning Tasks

    • Tiled surfaces, bathroom fixtures and other surfaces will be scrubbed and polished.
    • Deposits will be removed from the bathroom area (including mould, mildew, soap scum and limescale).
    • Mirrors will be wiped down and polished.
    • The medicine cabinet will be decluttered and cleaned inside and out.
    • Rubbish will be disposed of and the floor will be carefully mopped.

    Living Room Cleaning Tasks

    • Dust, cobwebs and surface grime will be eliminated.
    • Furniture will be wiped down and polished.
    • Carpets and upholstery will be vacuum cleaned (deep cleaning is available as an additional task).
    • Framed pictures, mirrors and other decorations will be wiped down.
    • Remote controls, light switches and door handles will be disinfected.

    Bedroom Cleaning Tasks

    • Upholstery, carpets and the mattress will be thoroughly vacuum cleaned.
    • Storage units, wardrobes, cabinets and others will be decluttered and cleaned.
    • Mirrors will be wiped down and polished.
    • Dust will be eliminated of all surfaces, including hard-to-reach and hidden areas.
    • Everything will be organised, rubbish will be removed and surfaces will be thoroughly disinfected.

    Customers’ feedback about our cleaning service

    I have used this company’s service before, but it was my first time using the end of tenancy cleaning service. The cleaning was done to a very high standard and I even could not recognise the place. Everything was sparkling! I am so happy I entrusted the end of tenancy cleaning to your cleaners! They are thorough, professional and very kind. I highly recommend.

    This is the best end of tenancy cleaning service I have ever used. I have used other companies in the past but all they did was to disappoint me. But not this time, not this company. The housekeepers who arrived were so smiley and polite. What impressed me the most was their attention to the smallest of details. They even took their time to clean behind furniture. To be honest, I do not even remember if I have ever cleaned those areas before. Anyway, the best end of tenancy cleaning service is delivered by this company. Trust me.

    Wow! Wonderful end of tenancy cleaning service! So thorough, so efficient, so affordable. The housekeepers are professional, kind and friendly. They helped me with the move-out cleaning and did an amazing job. Every surface, every cupboard, every nook and cranny was given the attention it needed. Thank you for the job well done! I will use again.

    If you are looking for a professional, yet affordable end of tenancy cleaning service, I recommend you to turn to this company. Their attention to detail is more than impressive. I love how polite and smiley those cleaners are. They work hard and they never miss a spot. I would not hesitate to use this service ever again.

    Why Choose Our Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning?

    What makes us a far cry from the other companies is our dedication and determination to always perform outstandingly. With us, booking a professional cleaning service is not a luxury anymore because our prices are very competitive and budget-friendly!

    Also, our end of tenancy cleaning service comes with a 48-hour guarantee which means that if the customer is not fully satisfied with the outcome, our cleaners will return to do a re-clean without any additional charges.

    1. Excellent Customer Service

      Our customer service is available 7 days a week. The office agents there are fully qualified to answer all your questions, help you choose a service, give you advice and a free quote. They will ask you about the particular job, in order to help you receive the best service possible. Do not hesitate and give them a call.

    2. Experienced Teams of Cleaners

      All services are performed by professional cleaners. All of them have a lot of experience behind their backs and have been trained for the particular job they perform. You can be sure that they will know how to approach any issue in the best way possible.

    3. Affordable Prices

      We worked hard in order to create a wide range of professional cleaning services that are available and affordable to anyone. It is our top priority to provide excellent, high quality services while maintaining the price reasonable. Whenever you call us, we will make sure to fit your budget without compromising the quality.

    4. Flexible Services

      We understand that the main reason why people need help with the cleaning of their homes is the lack of time. If you are really busy, you would expect a cleaning service at a convenient time for you. We can do just that. All our services are available every day of the week, including all holidays. We also take on the same day and last minute bookings.

    Exploring Our Coverage: We Serve in all London Areas

    You can find us seven days a week in all London areas. Do not hesitate to contact us! In case you have any further questions, feel free to turn to our friendly customer support centre!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does the cleaning take?

    Depending on the size of your home, the cleaning service may take anywhere between 3 and 6 hours. Once we arrive on site, we will provide you with an accurate time estimate for your cleaning project.

    Do I need to do anything to prepare for the cleaning service?

    It is best if there are no personal belongings in the house. You can also defrost your refrigerator and freezer to make their cleaning easier. We would appreciate if you moved small furniture and other objects that may prevent us from reaching the entire surface that is being cleaned.

    Do I need to provide the cleaning tools and products?

    No, our cleaning professionals will arrive fully equipped with everything needed for the cleaning service. Do not worry about any tools or products – we use professional equipment of the highest quality.

    Can you follow my landlord’s task list?

    Yes, all cleaning teams are available 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Do not worry about choosing weekends for your appointment – it does not cost extra.

    Can I book you on the weekend?

    Yes, all cleaning teams are available 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Do not worry about choosing weekends for your appointment – it does not cost extra.

    Do you offer a guarantee?

    Yes, we work hard to meet and exceed your expectations. Your landlord will be happy and you will be able to receive your initial deposit back for sure. We guarantee the high quality of all our services.