End Of Tenancy Cleaning in SW6, Fulham

end of tenancy cleaningHandling the end of tenancy cleaning chore all on your own is an impossible task, unless you are a trained cleaning professional with years of experience, like us. We are located in Fulham and we offer our diligent cleaning services- we guarantee the complete removal of all dirt, dust and stains leaving the property cleaned and disinfected for the next tenants.

The cleaning technicians we will send to your home will be equipped and ready to remove dirt off various surfaces and cleanse objects to perfection. Despite our natural cleaning products and mixtures we guarantee for a satisfying, one of a kind type of cleaning which will earn back your deposit in full length.

If you’re still wondering whether you’re required to do an end of tenancy cleaning prior to your leave, stop. You are obliged to do it because otherwise you risk losing your deposit. That’s not all, of course – you also risk having problems with your landlord. And last, but not least, it’s simply unacceptable to move out without ensuring that the place looks exactly as it did when you moved in.

Customers’ feedback about our cleaning service

“My sister is a landlord and sometimes, people leave big messes behind them. She was in desperate need of help, so she trusted me to take care of this case. I knew your company’s number, so I called. I knew you provide the best cleaning services, and was not surprised that she was very delighted to see the results. Thank you for being so professional!” – Erin

“A few days ago I had to leave my old house and move in to an apartment, closer to my workplace. I used your end of tenancy services, because I had no idea from where to start the cleaning. Your team came right on time and did their magic. Thank you for being in the right place at the right moment. Amazing results!” – Darcie

We offer professional end of tenancy cleaning services at affordable rates exclusively in Fulham. We are diligent and thorough and we guarantee that with our help, you’ll get your deposit back.

Price list of our Tenancy Cleaning Services

End Of Tenancy CleaningPrice
Studio Flatfrom £116
One Bedroom Propertyfrom £161
Two Bedroom Propertyfrom £189
Three Bedroom Propertyfrom £220

End of Tenancy Cleaning: An Overview

Each rental contract includes a list of tasks that you must fulfil. The end of tenancy cleaning is the most complicated and important one. This is a comprehensive cleaning method that removes dirt, filth, and dust build-up from all surfaces, including those that are concealed or difficult to reach. This form of cleaning is not easy, especially if you are preoccupied with all other tasks. This is why you should book a professional cleaning company like ours. Main Cleaners provides expert end-of-tenancy cleaning services in Fulham. Don’t waste any time; call us today to make your appointment.

How to Book our End of Tenancy Cleaning Service?

Why You Need a Professional Cleaning Agency for End of Tenancy Cleaning

It is best if you hire a professional cleaning agency for your end of tenancy cleaning service. You will be able to save money and will surely receive high quality results, delivered by experienced professional cleaning experts. If you attempt to deep clean the property on your own you may not be able to achieve such results and meet the requirements and expectations of your landlord. A team of professional cleaners is familiar with all requirements and knows how to achieve the best quality results that are expected. If you decide to hire our cleaning agency in Fulham, we will provide you with a guarantee which will ensure that you receive your deposit back.

Detailed List of All the End of Tenancy Cleaning Tasks:

Ensuring the comprehensive cleanliness of your rental property before you transition out is an absolutely essential step. It’s imperative to dedicate sufficient time and effort to this process to leave the property in pristine condition. Now, let’s delve into a detailed breakdown of the multitude of cleaning tasks required for each specific area within the property:

Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

  • Countertops, backsplashes and cooking surfaces will be scrubbed, wiped down, degreased and disinfected
  • The kitchen sink, its faucets and drain will be deep cleaned and sanitised
  • Cupboards, drawers and cabinets will be decluttered, wiped down and organised
  • Appliances will be cleaned on the outside
  • Rubbish will be disposed of and the floor will be swept and mopped

Bathroom Cleaning Tasks

  • Tiled surfaces, bathroom fixtures and other surfaces will be scrubbed and polished
  • Deposits will be removed from the bathroom area (including mould, mildew, soap scum and limescale)
  • Mirrors will be wiped down and polished
  • The medicine cabinet will be decluttered and cleaned inside and out
  • Rubbish will be disposed of and the floor will be carefully mopped

Living Room Cleaning Tasks

  • Dust, cobwebs and surface grime will be eliminated
  • Furniture will be wiped down and polished
  • Carpets and upholstery will be vacuum cleaned (deep cleaning is available as an additional task)
  • Framed pictures, mirrors and other decorations will be wiped down
  • Remote controls, light switches and door handles will be disinfected

Bedroom Cleaning Tasks

  • Upholstery, carpets and the mattress will be thoroughly vacuum cleaned
  • Storage units, wardrobes, cabinets and others will be decluttered and cleaned
  • Mirrors will be wiped down and polished.
  • Dust will be eliminated of all surfaces, including hard-to-reach and hidden areas
  • Everything will be organised, rubbish will be removed and surfaces will be thoroughly disinfected

Discovering the Benefits of Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning

Receive more than one benefit by hiring our local cleaning agency for your end of tenancy cleaning. Our expert local cleaners will work hard to achieve high quality results.

  1. Deposit assurance

    This is the most important part of your move. If everything is performed up to the requirements, your landlord will be satisfied and you will receive the deposit money back. This is exactly what our local cleaners will do.

  2. Ready for the new tenants

    We have a lot of experience on the market and know that a deep cleaned and organised property is greatly appreciated by both owners and tenants. This is something we promise to do as part of the end of tenancy cleaning service we offer.

  3. Save time and money

    Our cleaning services are of exceptional quality, as well as incredibly affordable. It will be a lot better for your time and money budget to hire us, instead of spend tons of money on expensive cleaning tools and products, only to scrub for hours.

  4. Better price when selling

    Are you selling your property? Hiring our local cleaning agency like ours will increase both the interest and price. Our skilled cleaners will guarantee that it is in excellent shape for viewings and that you receive the greatest value for it.

Discovering Additional Cleaning Services

Take a look at the list of additional cleaning tasks we offer. They are perfect for the end of tenancy cleaning service and will help you ensure the ultimate cleanliness of your place. Do not hesitate to ask for more information about them – we will answer all of your questions, help you book the perfect service and provide you with a discount on any combined services you choose to receive from our local cleaning agency.

  • Window Cleaning – Let us deep clean your windows on the inside and outside as part of your end of tenancy cleaning service. We will eliminate all spots, dirt and grime which prevent light from coming in and your property from looking its best.
  • Oven Cleaning -The deep cleaning of your oven will remove dirt, grime and unpleasant smells. Add it to your end of tenancy cleaning service and receive immaculate results.
  • Carpet Cleaning – The deep carpet and upholstery cleaning we offer will result in thorough elimination of dirt, grime, stains and odours from all fabrics. This is a great additional service when paired with your end of tenancy cleaning service.

Custom Cleaning Services

When booking a cleaning service with our local cleaning agency in Fulham, all you need do to is let us know about your situation, expectations, as well as any specific requirement you have. You can also book additional tasks, thanks to the fact that we offer custom cleaning projects to all our customers. Our booking agents will create the perfect service for your needs and schedule your appointment for the most convenient time and date for you. You will receive exceptional final results – we promise to meet and exceed all your expectations.

Exploring Our Coverage: We Serve in all London Areas

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the cleaning take?

Depending on the size of your home, the cleaning service may take anywhere between 3 and 6 hours. Once we arrive on site, we will provide you with an accurate time estimate for your cleaning project.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for the cleaning service?

It is best if there are no personal belongings in the house. You can also defrost your refrigerator and freezer to make their cleaning easier. We would appreciate if you moved small furniture and other objects that may prevent us from reaching the entire surface that is being cleaned.

Do I need to provide the cleaning tools and products?

No, our cleaning professionals will arrive fully equipped with everything needed for the cleaning service. Do not worry about any tools or products – we use professional equipment of the highest quality.

Can you follow my landlord’s task list?

Yes, of course, we offer custom cleaning solutions that will be tailored to your needs. If your landlord provided you with a specific list of things you should take care of (or areas that require special attention), let us know and we will complete everything.

Can I book you on the weekend?

Yes, all cleaning teams are available 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Do not worry about choosing weekends for your appointment – it does not cost extra.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes, we work hard to meet and exceed your expectations. Your landlord will be happy and you will be able to receive your initial deposit back for sure. We guarantee the high quality of all our services.

Professional Tenancy Cleaners Fulham

Amazingly enough, it seems that end of tenancy cleaning is the most difficult cleaning to be performed. It’s so difficult because it should disinfect a property completely before incoming tenants move in. Usually, the end of tenancy cleaning is a responsibility of tenants themselves and, if they deliver it properly, they’ll get a full refund on the deposit. On the contrary, if they fail – they’ll lose their deposit.

We advise you to book our professional end of tenancy cleaning services today. Our services are available throughout the week, including on bank holidays – you can call us anytime you like. We’re available in Fulham.

Get a free quote for our cleaning services here:

    End of Tenancy Cleaning in SW6

    tenancy cleaning servicesIt is always a good idea to book a professional end of tenancy cleaning before you move out. Qualified cleaners possess the necessary skills and cleaning arsenal to meet the expectations of every landlord.

    If you are interested in a first class cleaning service that ensures 100 per cent of your security deposit, feel free to contact us. We will send you our highly skilled cleaners to clean precisely every area of your leased property and give you peace of mind as well as time for more important duties. For your convenience, we are currently operating in the entire Fulham.

    Looking for end of tenancy cleaning in Fulham? Turn to our company and you will find exactly what you need. We command a team of disciplined cleaners and all of them are masters at cleaning post tenants.

    In our service is included deep cleaning of every room, grease removal, bathroom sanitation and much more. We are fully aware of the fact that your landlord has high expectations and won’t let them down. Give us a call and we will tell you more about our discounted prices and 48-hours guarantee. Our responsive call centre agents are any time available to take your call.