End Of Tenancy Cleaning in N1, Canonbury, Islington

end of tenancy cleaningIf you are in need of an end of tenancy cleaning services because you are a landlord or a tenant, feel free to contact our company. You can absolutely count on us when it comes to the final cleaning. We offer you easy and promising solution for all of your worries.

It is our mission to always leave our customers more than satisfied with the outstanding results provided. For this purpose we have employed detail oriented and skilled cleaners with years of experience in this cleaning field. If your property is anywhere in Canonbury, Islington, do not wait any more and book our services.

Price list of our Tenancy Cleaning Services

End Of Tenancy CleaningPrice
Studio Flatfrom £116
One Bedroom Propertyfrom £161
Two Bedroom Propertyfrom £189
Three Bedroom Propertyfrom £220

What Exactly is End of Tenancy Cleaning?

When moving out of a rental, you should complete a checklist of duties that are your responsibility. These are part of your contract and must be fulfilled by you. The most important one is the thorough cleaning at the conclusion of your tenancy. You should return the premises in the finest possible condition, with no evidence of filth or grime. Don’t waste any time and leave this job to the professionals on our team. We are the greatest local cleaning agency in Islington and will provide you with the most amazing results. You will be able to focus on more important tasks and enjoy your new home.

How to Book our End of Tenancy Cleaning Service?

Guaranteed Satisfaction: Professional End of Tenancy Cleaners

It is essential to work with a professional cleaning company for your end-of-tenancy cleaning. You will save money and enjoy high-quality results from skilled professional cleaners. If you attempt to thoroughly clean the home on your own, you may be unable to accomplish the desired results that meet your landlord’s needs and expectations. A professional cleaning team is aware of all standards and understands how to deliver the highest quality results possible. Book an end of tenancy cleaning service with our cleaning agency in Islington, we promise that you will receive exceptional results and your deposit money back.

Detailed List of All the End of Tenancy Cleaning Tasks:

Ensuring the comprehensive cleanliness of your rental property before you transition out is an absolutely essential step. It’s imperative to dedicate sufficient time and effort to this process to leave the property in pristine condition. Now, let’s delve into a detailed breakdown of the multitude of cleaning tasks required for each specific area within the property:

Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

  • Countertops, backsplashes and cooking surfaces will be scrubbed, wiped down, degreased and disinfected
  • The kitchen sink, its faucets and drain will be deep cleaned and sanitised
  • Cupboards, drawers and cabinets will be decluttered, wiped down and organised
  • Appliances will be cleaned on the outside
  • Rubbish will be disposed of and the floor will be swept and mopped

Bathroom Cleaning Tasks

  • Tiled surfaces, bathroom fixtures and other surfaces will be scrubbed and polished
  • Deposits will be removed from the bathroom area (including mould, mildew, soap scum and limescale)
  • Mirrors will be wiped down and polished
  • The medicine cabinet will be decluttered and cleaned inside and out
  • Rubbish will be disposed of and the floor will be carefully mopped

Living Room Cleaning Tasks

  • Dust, cobwebs and surface grime will be eliminated
  • Furniture will be wiped down and polished
  • Carpets and upholstery will be vacuum cleaned (deep cleaning is available as an additional task)
  • Framed pictures, mirrors and other decorations will be wiped down
  • Remote controls, light switches and door handles will be disinfected

Bedroom Cleaning Tasks

  • Upholstery, carpets and the mattress will be thoroughly vacuum cleaned
  • Storage units, wardrobes, cabinets and others will be decluttered and cleaned
  • Mirrors will be wiped down and polished.
  • Dust will be eliminated of all surfaces, including hard-to-reach and hidden areas
  • Everything will be organised, rubbish will be removed and surfaces will be thoroughly disinfected

The Advantages of Hiring a Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning Company

When you hire a professional cleaning company for an end of tenancy cleaning, you will receive a number of benefits which are listed below:

  1. Deposit assurance

    You certainly would like to receive the money for your initial deposit back from your landlord. Do not worry – our local cleaners will take care of all cleaning tasks and achieve the best results that will satisfy your landlord.

  2. Ready for the new tenants

    We have a lot of experience on the market and know that a deep cleaned and organised property is greatly appreciated by both owners and tenants. This is something we promise to do as part of the end of tenancy cleaning service we offer.

  3. Save time and money

    Hiring a local cleaning service will help you save both time and money. The prices for our end-of-tenancy solutions are reasonable and will cost you far less than the costly equipment and products you may need to purchase for this type of cleaning.

  4. Better price when selling

    Boost up the price of any property that you are selling by booking our end of tenancy cleaning service. We will make sure the area is immaculate and looking its best for any viewers and potential buyers. We will help you make the best deal.

Discover More Cleaning Solutions!

Do not hesitate to book any of the additional cleaning services we offer. They are great when combined with the end of tenancy cleaning service we offer. Simply let our booking agents know if you are interested in any of them – they will provide you with extra information about each one. The best part is, that you will receive a discount on any combination that you choose to receive.

  • Window Cleaning – Let us deep clean your windows on the inside and outside as part of your end of tenancy cleaning service. We will eliminate all spots, dirt and grime which prevent light from coming in and your property from looking its best.
  • Oven Cleaning – As part of your end-of-tenancy cleaning service, we can deep clean your oven. We will make your kitchen area clean, pristine, immaculate, and disinfected.
  • Carpet Cleaning – We will carefully eliminate all stains, odours, dirt and grime as part of the deep carpet and upholstery cleaning. Choose to add it to your end of tenancy cleaning project and ensure the immaculate cleanliness of the property.

Custom Cleaning Solutions

In order to achieve high quality results which meet our customers’ expectations and needs, we offer custom cleaning solutions, which will be tailored to your needs. You can select everything about the service – you will be able to pick the most convenient time and date for your appointment. You can also pick all the cleaning tasks that will be included in the project. If you have any personal requirements or special requests, let your booking agent know. We will create a special task list, tailored to your needs and our cleaning professionals will follow it closely to ensure that everything is completed and no cleaning tasks are missed.

Exploring Our Coverage: We Serve in all London Areas

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the cleaning take?

Depending on the size of your home, the cleaning service may take anywhere between 3 and 6 hours. Once we arrive on site, we will provide you with an accurate time estimate for your cleaning project.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for the cleaning service?

It is best if there are no personal belongings in the house. You can also defrost your refrigerator and freezer to make their cleaning easier. We would appreciate if you moved small furniture and other objects that may prevent us from reaching the entire surface that is being cleaned.

Do I need to provide the cleaning tools and products?

No, our cleaning professionals will arrive fully equipped with everything needed for the cleaning service. Do not worry about any tools or products – we use professional equipment of the highest quality.

Can you follow my landlord’s task list?

Yes, of course, we offer custom cleaning solutions that will be tailored to your needs. If your landlord provided you with a specific list of things you should take care of (or areas that require special attention), let us know and we will complete everything.

Can I book you on the weekend?

Yes, all cleaning teams are available 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Do not worry about choosing weekends for your appointment – it does not cost extra.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes, we work hard to meet and exceed your expectations. Your landlord will be happy and you will be able to receive your initial deposit back for sure. We guarantee the high quality of all our services.

Professional Tenancy Cleaners Canonbury, Islington

If you are moving into a new home soon, you probably won’t refuse some help with the final cleaning of your current leased property. By booking our professional end of tenancy cleaning, you receive a service that includes overall profound cleaning with the provision of up to date cleaning equipment.

With us you are guaraneed to move out without any complications. If an inspection of the place is done in 48-hours upon completion of the cleaning and there is a problem, we will visit you again for a re-clean. Hurry up and contact our support centre. We can visit you quickly in the entire Canonbury, Islington.

Get a free quote for our cleaning services here:

    End of Tenancy Cleaning in N1

    tenancy cleaning servicesWe have all met that one landlord who won’t just let you leave when you move out – he/she will make everything they can in order to spare themselves the inconvenience of having to pay you back your deposit. Usually, those people resolve to the cleanliness of the property – if it’s not spotless, you won’t get your deposit back.

    If you have one of those landlords, call us. We can make your rented property as sparkling clean and germ-free as an operational theatre. Our end of tenancy cleaning services are available in Canonbury, Islington. Choose us and you won’t regret it.

    Sooner or later every tenant needs the services of a professional cleaning company. Only a qualified cleaner is able to ensure the pristine level of cleanliness required for a worry-free moving out. If you are interested in booking a first class end of tenancy cleaning in the area Canonbury, Islington, just give us a call.

    We are able to offer you a profound overall cleaning, carried out by a team of fully trained experts, supplied with up to date cleaning tools. With them you don’t need to worry about your deposit because they are competent enough to meet the requirements of every landlord.

    Customers’ feedback about our cleaning service

    “I have to admit that I am not very talented when it comes to cleaning. That was the main reason I turned to you. I really wanted to keep my security deposit so I booked your end of tenancy cleaning services. Mission accomplished! I am so grateful for your assistance!- Mina”

    “Big Thank you to your cleaning team. Your cleaners did an amazing end of tenancy cleaning in my former home. It was actually pretty big apartment so I did need some additional help and I received the most efficient one. Everything was sparkling and my landlord was so satisfied. Stunning!- Cleo”

    If you are feeling down and nervous because of the upcoming moving out, we know how to put you in high spirits. Benefit from the end of tenancy cleaning services our company offers and we will ease the burden on you. Over the years we have proved that we are levels above our competitors and we cannot wait for you to see for yourself.

    Our head offices are located in Islington where you can find us seven days of the week, even on public holidays. Or, you can simply make a call to our customer care support. Do not give a second thought to trust us.