Unusual tips for the cleanest bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom is certainly one of the least favourite chores around the house. The amount of grime that accumulates there quickly and the amount of effort it requires are the main reasons for that. However, there are special methods you can use to make everything easier and get rid of bathroom scum, mould, mildew, and hard water stains. Cleaning the bathroom is an inevitable part of home cleaning so keep reading if you want to find out what unusual methods you can try when it is time to tackle the bathroom.

1. Remove soap scum with dryer sheets – Dryer sheets are not just for freshening your clothing. In fact, they can be quite useful for cleaning. Whenever you are about to scrub that soap scum off your walls, tub, sink, or anywhere else around the bathroom, grab a dryer sheet, add a few drops of water and use it to easily wipe the scum off. You will be surprised by how easy this task will be. An extra tip we have for you while you are at it with the dryer sheets is: Place one in your toilet paper roll. Every time you unroll some paper, you will be refreshing your whole bathroom.

2. Coffee filters for spotless windows – Whether you use newspapers or fabric cloths to clean your windows, you will probably end up with streaks and spots. If you are looking for the perfect solution to this problem, we got you! Coffee filters are lint-free, inexpensive, and found easily. They are perfect for cleaning glass surfaces, windows, and mirrors. What is more, they do not dissolve when wet which makes them just great for the job. Grab your favourite glass cleaner, spray a bit on the window and give it a go. You can thank us later.

3. Tackle grout with an old electric toothbrush – You may have already used an old toothbrush when cleaning the floor. However, grout is an extremely needy area of the bathroom that requires a bit more attention. Save yourself some effort, time, and elbow grease. Save the old head of your electric toothbrush and use it the next time you need to clean your bathroom grout. Use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda or a conventional cleaning product and put your electric toothbrush with the old head to use.

4. Machine wash your shower curtain – Shower curtains, especially if plastic, become mouldy and dull looking over time. Whenever this happens, you can throw them in the washing machine with a couple of towels and run a gentle cycle. Add ½ cup of baking soda to your detergent on the wash cycle and ½ cup of vinegar to your rinse cycle. Let the curtain air dry and enjoy it being clean, fresh, and mould-free.

5. Clean your drain with baking soda and vinegar – You probably remember the chemistry class experiment you did in school. It is time to recreate it and have some fun. Whenever your drain in the shower or sink is clogged, pour 1 cup of baking soda, then follow by 1 cup of vinegar. Put a damp cloth on top of the drain and let it fizz for about 15 minutes, then pour a kettle full of boiling water down the drain.

6. Shine your faucets with vinegar – Mineral deposits can quickly build up on your bathroom sink faucets, making them look dull and worn out. Those are not the easiest to remove. However, we have the perfect solution for you. Soak a paper towel with vinegar and wrap your faucet with it. Leave that sit for about 10 minutes, remove it and buff your faucet until it is spotless and shiny. You can use a dry paper towel for the last part.

7. Use aspirin to clean your countertops – Aspirin is great for curing a headache. However, it has many uses around the house. Dissolve 2 uncoated aspirins in a glass of warm water and use that solution to clean your bathroom countertop. It works as a mild abrasive and will help you quickly get rid of soap scum, toothpaste, and other grime.

8. Get rid of rust using salt and lemon – Rust can sometimes settle around your bathroom sink drain or at the base of your faucets. All you need to clean that is half a lemon and some salt. Close the drain and squeeze half a lemon all over the rusted area. Add enough salt to form a paste and let it sit for a few hours. Then all you have to do is wipe the paste and the rust away.

9. Polish your sink faucet with toothpaste – If your chrome faucets are not looking their best, use the most common product in your bathroom – toothpaste! Apply a thin layer of non-gel toothpaste (ideally white), and polish it with a clean, soft cloth.